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Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp Inmate Search and Prison Information

Updated on: September 10, 2024
PO Box 160 Pippen Road, Newcastle, WY, 82701

Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp inmate search: Jail Roster, Current Housing Block, Charges, Bond, Release Date, Address Given, Mugshots, Who's in jail, Court Type, Booking Date, Grade, Fine/Crt Costs, Arrests, Bookings.

Use this website for informational purposes only.

Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp is a state prison for inmates located in Newcastle, Wyoming. The prison is a multi-level security system facility, housing inmates in levels I, III, IV, administrative segregation, and other specialized units.

This site is not owned or operated by any state government agency, read more.


Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp Prison Information

Jail Name Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp
Jail Type State Prison
Authority: Wyoming Department of Corrections
Location PO Box 160 Pippen Road, Newcastle, WY, 82701
Contact Numbers 307-746-4436
City Newcastle
Postal Code 82701
State Wyoming
County Weston County
Jail Webpage website

Inmate Resources for Family and Friends

Public Records Online Search

Criminal Records and Contact Info aggregated from real law enforcement agencies and government court houses.

Inmate Search

The Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp hosts an online inmate locator database as a service to those wishing to locate an inmate. It should not be relied upon for totally accurate information.

Inmates can be searched for using their inmate number, which yields the most accurate results. Alternatively, inmates can be located by their last name. For narrower results, enter the inmate’s first and/or middle name. For all names, partial spellings will yield results.

Sending a Mail

Inmates can be sent mail by anyone, although all incoming letters will be opened and inspected for contraband. Contraband can include anything besides up to ten plain pieces of paper and up to ten 8x10 inch photos. Send mail to:

Inmate’s full name and number
Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp
PO Box 160
Pippen Road, Newcastle, WY, 82701

An inmate’s number can be found using the inmate locator or by calling the Public Information Officer of the inmate’s institution at 307-746-4436.

Inmates can be sent packages through third-party vendors. There are a variety of different companies to choose from, some specializing in items by category such as shoes, vitamins or music. Others offer more general options such as packaged foods, clothing, etc.

Sending Money

There are several ways to send money to an inmate. One can use a lock box, which has no service fee and is the best way to send a money order, cashiers check or personal check. Another option is an electronic funds transfer (EFT), which is a paid service but also is the fastest way to send money (1-3 days).

Finally, one can mail checks or money orders but it could take up to one month for the funds to reach the inmate in Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp. Write your name/address and the inmate’s name and inmate number on the face of the check.

Phone Calls

While no one can call an inmate on the telephone, inmates can make outgoing phone calls. The Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp utilizes the GTL system for phone calls, which allows family and friends to create prepaid accounts from which funds for the call will be taken for any received call. Inmates must have money to place a call. Calls are monitored.

Visiting Rules

Visitation is encouraged, as it promotes healthier relationships between inmates and family/friends, as well as is beneficial for the reentry process.

Fully prepare yourself before visiting by reading the visitation guidelines. These give all the information needed, anywhere from how to behave and dress to what you can bring.

Most inmates have visitation rights, although there are different types of visits. Some are contact where the inmate can be with visitors in person. Others might be non-contact with a partition between people. Visitors must apply before visiting an inmate at Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp. Applications can be sent from the inmate to you. These should be mailed back to the sergeant or lieutenant of your inmate’s facility.

There are strict clothing requirements for visitors at Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp, so be sure to check online and with your inmate’s institution for information on this. The most important rule of thumb is to dress modestly and plainly.

Visitation Hours

Sunday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

How Often Can I Visit?

Frequency of visits depends on an inmate’s security level, institution and behavior, among other factors. Check with Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp administration for more information.


Refer the map below to find the driving directions.