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Kossuth County Jail, IA Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster

Updated on: January 1, 2025
121 West State Street, Algona, IA, 50511

Kossuth County Jail inmate locator: Arrest Date, INS, Who's in jail, Court Record, Liens and Judgments, Booking Date, Court Record, Inmate List, Arrests, Court Type, Statute, Bond, Complaint, Release Date, Case #, Arrest Date, Status, Bookings, Gender, INS, Mugshots.

Use this website for informational purposes only.

Kossuth County Jail is located in Algona, Iowa.

According to Kossuth County Sheriff’s Office website, their Detention Facility is to be a premier Corrections organization dedicated to public safety. Through ethical, innovative and professional leadership we will deliver superior services to the residents of Kossuth County.

Here you find information on how to communicate with, visit with, and send money to current inmates in Kossuth County Jail.

This site is not owned or operated by any state government agency, read more.


Kossuth County Jail Prison Information

Jail Name Kossuth County Jail
Jail Type County Jail
Location 121 West State Street, Algona, IA, 50511
Contact Numbers 515-295-9277
City Algona
Postal Code 50511
State Iowa
County Kossuth County
Jail Webpage website

Kossuth County Sheriffs Department

Sheriff Steve Kollasch
Address 121 West State Street, Algona, Iowa, 50511
Phone 515-295-3514
Fax 515-295-9304

Inmate Resources for Family and Friends

Public Records Online Search

Criminal Records and Contact Info aggregated from real law enforcement agencies and government court houses.

Inmate Search

To see the Kossuth County Jail view, click here. You can either do an inmate search, or just search through the list of mugshots. Either way, you if you know someone serving time in Kossuth County Jail, this is where you will find him or her.

Sending a Mail

When sending mail or a package to an inmate, address your envelope or package as follows:

Inmate Name and Number

121 West State Street, Algona, IA, 50511

ALL incoming and outgoing inmate mail is subject to search. A valid return address is required on all incoming mail; if no return address is provided the incoming mail will be thrown away.

The Following Items are not allowed to be received via the Mail:

  • Stickers and/labels.
  • Holiday/Greeting/Birthday cards with music/vocalizations
  • Pictures must be no larger than 4x6; mounted, framed, or Polaroid pictures are not allowed.
  • No photographs exhibiting lewd, sexual, criminal behavior or gang-related behavior or writings. Photographs displaying genitals or exposed breasts are not authorized.
  • No photos of inmates in jail or prison. No photos of large sums of money or any other activity that may appear to be illegal. Photos of children must be fully clothed.
  • The ONLY certified, priority, or express mail that will be accepted will be from an attorney or courts.
  • Anything that depicts or describes procedures for the construction of weapons, ammunition, bombs, chemical agents, or incendiary devices.
  • Lipstick, lip gloss, crayon, marker, stickers, tape, corrective tape (white out), glitter pens, glue or paint are prohibited.
  • Maps and laminated materials are prohibited.
  • No bubble wrapped envelopes will be accepted.

Sending Money

Inmates may have money placed on their commissary accounts by making deposits to Commissary through the on-site cashier kiosk which accepts cash, credit card, or bank debit cards.

An Iowa driver's license is required to use a debit or credit card.

Funds may also be applied online at or by phone at (866) 345-1884. Funds need to be applied by Tuesday & Thursday at midnight in order for the inmate to make the next store.

Money orders contained in inmate mail will be returned to sender.

Phone Calls

All phone calls from the Kossuth County Jail, regardless of location, will be collect, pre-paid or credit card calls.

Phone calls from the booking area are free. All calls are subject to monitoring and/or recording. Inmates will be provided PIN numbers in order to make phone calls.

Phone services are provided through GTL (Global-Tel Link) and if there is a phone issue, you must contact GTL at (800) 483-8314.

There are three easy ways to use Offender Connect to create accounts and make deposits:

  • Online at
  • AdvancePay prepaid telephone account deposit (800) 483-8314
  • Deposit cash ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills) into the kiosk located in the Municipal building lobby.

Visiting Rules

Inmates must be incarcerated 30 days before visitation is allowed.

Kossuth County Jail’s week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.

Visitation appointments can be made by calling 515-295-9277 Monday - Friday from 8:00am – 11:00am and from 12:00pm – 3:00pm the week prior to the actual visit.

Visitation appointments are on a first come, first serve basis. Inmates are allowed up to three different visitors per visitation day. Once a visitor is on the list and given a visitation time, no changes will be made.

Substitutions on visitation day will not be permitted for any reason. Visitors must arrive 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled visitation time.

Valid state or government issued identification is required to enter the visitation area.

Anyone under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted.

Visitors who miss three scheduled inmate visitation appointments may be suspended from visitation privileges for up to thirty (30) days.

Inmates are responsible for informing their visitors about visitation regulations. The Kossuth County Jail reserves the right to restrict any person from entering the jail.

Visitation Hours

Sunday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM
Monday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM


Refer the map below to find the driving directions.

Kossuth County Prison Statistics

Kossuth County Prison Population By Race

Other Prison Population 4
Asian Prison Population -
Black Prison Population -
Native Prison Population -
Latino Prison Population -
White Prison Population 14

Kossuth County Pretrial Jail Population

Pretrial Jail Population 10
Male Pretrial Jail Population 10
Female Pretrial Jail Population 1

Kossuth County Jail Admissions

Total Jail Admissions 418
Male Jail Population 11
Total Jail Population 11
Female Jail Population 1

Kossuth County Prison Population

Total Prison Population 18
Male Prison Population -
Female Prison Population -

Iowa Jail & Prison Phone Call Rates

In-State Phone Call Rate Per Minute $0.11
Out of State Phone Call Rate Per Minute $0.11

Kossuth County Jail Admissions By Race

Latino Jail Population -
Native Jail Population 1
Black Jail Population -
White Jail Population 11
Asian Jail Population -

Kossuth County Jail Held Inmates

Jail Population Held for State Prison -
Jail Population Held for Federal Agencies -
Jail Population Held for ICE -
Jail Population Held for State Jail 2
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Jail -
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Prison -

Kossuth County Prison Admissions

Black Prison Admissions -
Male Prison Admissions -
Total Prison Admissions 8
Female Prison Admissions -
White Prison Admissions 7
Native Prison Admissions -
Asian Prison Admissions -
Latino Prison Admissions -
Other Prison Admissions 1

Other Prison Types