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Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL, AL Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster

Updated on: October 7, 2024
1822 2nd Avenue North, Bessemer, AL, 35020

Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL inmate locator: Document Type, Probate Documents, Commitment Date, Release Date, Information Recorded, Mugshots, Filing Date, Arrest Date, Aliases, Arrests, Inmate List, Probation Sentences, Bond, Bookings, Booking Date, Degree, Appeals Court, Filing Date, Bail Amount, Disposition, Who's in jail, Issuing Auth, Code, Booking Number.

Use this website for informational purposes only.

Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL is located in Bessemer, Alabama. It consists of a booking/release center, a direct supervision facility, a main facility jail, and a work release center. In addition to providing work release opportunities, the Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL system seeks to develop and provide educational programs to help deter future criminal behavior from released inmates.

This site is not owned or operated by any state government agency, read more.


Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL Prison Information

Jail Name Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL
Jail Type County Jail
Location 1822 2nd Avenue North, Bessemer, AL, 35020
Contact Numbers 205-481-4160
City Bessemer
Postal Code 35020
State Alabama
County Jefferson County
Jail Webpage website

Jefferson County Sheriffs Department

Sheriff Mark L. Pettway
Address 2200 Reverend Abraham Woods Junior Boulevard, Birmingham, Alabama, 35203
Phone 205-325-5700

Inmate Resources for Family and Friends

Public Records Online Search

Criminal Records and Contact Info aggregated from real law enforcement agencies and government court houses.

Inmate Search

The Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL website hosts a search engine where one can locate an inmate by entering their full last name and first name (or partial parts of the first name.) There is also a daily booking report that lists persons booked within the past 24 hours.

Call 205-481-4160 with any questions about information retrieved from the website, as it is not guaranteed to be totally accurate.

Sending a Mail

Family and friends are encouraged to carry on correspondence with their inmate. Letters can be sent along with five photos per envelope (no larger than 5x7.) Photos and pictures must not contain inappropriate content. Do not send any other items in the envelope, and do not spray perfume or use white out, glue, lipstick, etc. Do not use a padded envelope.

You cannot send care packages, but you can order softcover books, magazines and newspapers directly from a publishing company like Amazon. Have them delivered USPS to the inmate’s address.

Send all mail to:

Inmate Name
Inmate Booking Number
Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL
1822 2nd Avenue North, Bessemer, AL, 35020

Sending Money

Family and friends of an inmate are allowed to send money to and receive funds from an inmate.

There are a variety of ways that one can send money to an inmate. Funds in the form of a money order can be mailed to

Inmate Name
Jail Number and housing area
Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL
1822 2nd Avenue North, Bessemer, AL, 35020

Include your name and address on all items except for government issued checks.

Funds can also be deposited online via Western Union or by visiting a Western Union location in person. Include the following information:

Pay to: Jefferson County Corr Inmate Comm
Code City/State
Acct#: Include inmate's booking number, last name and first name
Attention line: Include six-digit date of birth (i.e. MMDDYY)

Phone Calls

Inmates at Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL are allowed to make outgoing calls to family and friends who create accounts with the Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL’s telephone system. These accounts allow you to load money into your account so that you can receive calls, even to your cell phone. Family and friends cannot make calls to the inmate.

Ensure that your inmate has enough funds in their commissary account to place a call.

Visiting Rules

Visitation at Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL is allowed for family and friends through video. Each inmate can have three video visits per week. Attorneys and law enforcement officials are allowed to meet in person with an inmate. Much like all visits or phone calls, video visits may be monitored and/or recorded.

Each visit is allowed three family/friends. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. All visitors must wear modest clothing with no profane images or language. Visitors must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Talk quietly and do not be disruptive. For a full list of visitation rules, check the Jefferson County Jail Bessemer AL website.

The video visitation center is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. everyday. Call 205-481-4160 to make an appointment ahead of time, and arrive 15 minutes before your visit time. If you are late you will not be permitted to visit your inmate. Bring only a valid form of photo identification, a set of car keys, and your wallet.

Visitation Hours

Sunday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM
Monday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM


Refer the map below to find the driving directions.

Jefferson County Prison Statistics

Jefferson County Jail Held Inmates

Jail Population Held for State Prison 176
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Prison 7
Jail Population Held for State Jail 3
Jail Population Held for Federal Agencies 2
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Jail 1
Jail Population Held for ICE -

Jefferson County Jail Admissions By Race

Black Jail Population 776
Asian Jail Population 2
White Jail Population 146
Native Jail Population 5
Latino Jail Population 20

Jefferson County Prison Population By Race

Native Prison Population -
Other Prison Population 13
Latino Prison Population -
Asian Prison Population -
White Prison Population 860
Black Prison Population 3,264

Jefferson County Jail Admissions

Total Jail Admissions 16,502
Male Jail Population 835
Total Jail Population 1,115
Female Jail Population 109

Jefferson County Pretrial Jail Population

Pretrial Jail Population 775
Female Pretrial Jail Population 115
Male Pretrial Jail Population 732

Jefferson County Prison Admissions

Total Prison Admissions 1,577
Black Prison Admissions 1,074
Other Prison Admissions 12
Native Prison Admissions -
Latino Prison Admissions -
White Prison Admissions 491
Male Prison Admissions 1,365
Asian Prison Admissions -
Female Prison Admissions 212

Jefferson County Prison Population

Female Prison Population 220
Total Prison Population 4,137
Male Prison Population 3,917

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